Tuesday, March 14, 2006

You want it WHEN?!?

Well, well, well.

It looks like all of us who decided to get an Xbox 360 instead of waiting for the PS3 weren't being rash after all. 1UP has the news that the PlayStation 3 won't be out in Japan till November of this year, not this spring, as they had been saying for the longest time. Who the hell knows when the thing will be out in the USA? Next summer? Screw that. I'm sure I'm not the only person who thought about waiting for the PS3 to compare it with the xbox, then buy one or the other. Well, go out there and get yourself an Xbox if you're inpatient like I am. What else are you going to do with that flat screen TV? Watch movies on it? Please.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

I, Too, Am 8-Bit

To be perfectly honest, I'm usually too chickenshit to go to art shows, but if you're the kind of person who would oh, I don't know, pay 5 bucks for a Super Mario Brothers ring tone (guilty), you might want to check this out. I Am 8 Bit is an art show here in L.A. from April 18-May 19 and all the work is based on retro gaming. Nice. The art isn't always the most deft and subtle, but what do you expect when the subject of the painting is the little dude from ExciteBike.

Let's Roll!

It's not often that a blog gets started by passing along some sad news, but 1UP is reporting that Me and My Katamari (for the PSP) is probably going to be the last adventure for the Tiny Prince, or at least the last one directed by the team responsible for the last 3 brilliant versions of the game. They used the term "wrapping things up" (or whatever the Japanese equivalent is)... doesn't sound too promising. Katamari Damaci is a cult hit because it appeals to those of us who play games simply for the sheer joy of playing, with its adorable characters, offbeat music and simple gameplay.

Plus, who doesn't like to roll flowers, tuna, and little screaming children up into a ball?